It's so ungracious to complain about a service one uses for free. But every time I turn around, the automatically generated HTML for paragraphs and other formatting seems to deteriorate. Not just the last post, either -- older posts seem almost unreadable.
Framing is almost as important as content. But no time now to go back and reformat. Hope you can find some value in the words and pictures as they are.
Update: With a change of template, and one changed pref, the formatting seems to have gone back to normal.
We spend trillions to preserve the American Way of Life® for Wall St. CEOs, but we still don't have decent, open-source HTML editors!
1 comment:
There are some strange things going on with Blogspot recently. Hopefully they'll sort it out.
Also, I think we may know each other from way back. Virtual Magick on AOL and all (this would be Nebet Het). :) If I am correct in this it's good to see you well.
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